LOTO EXP Trainer

Master OSHA-compliant lockout tagout procedures through immersive web-based training.

OSHA Lockout Tagout Procedures

Choose from two different modes for learners: practice and evaluation. LOTO EXP runs on any standard PC, and learners use a game controller or mouse/keyboard to move around in a virtual environment where they practice safe lockout tagout procedures.

Users work on equipment identification, control of hazardous energy, and problem solving skills. As learners work through the scenarios, they receive immediate feedback when mistakes are made.

Three Scenarios

With these three options, students gain valuable experience performing isolation for electrical energy and hydraulic pressure. Each scenario contains a common piece of equipment that operators will encounter at their plant or facility.

What is a pump operations training scenario? How does interactive pump training improve operator skills and troubleshooting? What are the key steps in pump startup, shutdown, and maintenance? How can pump failure simulations enhance real-world troubleshooting and safety? Why is hands-on pump training essential for process operators and maintenance teams? What common issues arise in centrifugal and positive displacement pumps? How does virtual pump training improve knowledge retention and efficiency? What industries benefit from pump operation and maintenance training?

Pump Scenario

This procedure guides users through identifying energy sources, shutting down, isolating, and verifying the lockout of a pump system to ensure safe maintenance.

What is a control valve training scenario? How does interactive control valve training improve operator skills and troubleshooting? What are the key steps in control valve operation, maintenance, and calibration? How can control valve failure simulations enhance real-world troubleshooting and process safety? Why is hands-on control valve training essential for process operators and maintenance technicians? What common issues arise in globe, butterfly, and ball valves? How does virtual control valve training improve knowledge retention and efficiency? What industries benefit from control valve operation and maintenance training?

Control Valve Scenario

This scenario guides users through the steps of locking out and isolating energy sources to prevent the unintended operation of a control valve during maintenance or repair.

What is a heat exchanger training scenario? How does interactive heat exchanger training improve operator skills and troubleshooting? What are the key steps in heat exchanger operation, maintenance, and inspections? How can heat exchanger failure simulations enhance real-world troubleshooting and process efficiency? Why is hands-on heat exchanger training essential for process operators and maintenance technicians? What common issues arise in shell and tube, plate, and air-cooled heat exchangers? How does virtual heat exchanger training improve knowledge retention and efficiency? What industries benefit from heat exchanger operation and maintenance training?

Heat Exchanger Scenario

This procedure trains users to identify energy sources, safely shut down, and lock out a heat exchanger to prevent hazardous energy release during maintenance or cleaning.

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OSHA Lockout Tagout Procedures

With these three options, students gain valuable experience performing isolation for electrical energy and hydraulic pressure. Each scenario contains a common piece of equipment that operators will encounter at their plant or facility. The first challenge is the easiest to overcome, and as users progress, the complexity of the lockout tagout scenarios increase.

In practice mode, students will learn to perform these tasks as they are guided step by step. In evaluation mode, students are required to follow written procedures, and if a procedure is not followed, the session is halted so that the student can receive immediate feedback on what went wrong.

As a new operator, LOTO EXP emphasizes that employees follow procedures. The feedback they receive communicates how deviation from approved safety procedures can impact safety, the environment, and production.

Trusted Nationwide

LOTO EXP Has Everything You Need

Each license of LOTO EXP comes with a User’s Guide, and written lockout tagout procedures and drawings for each scenario.

LOTO EXP is a great introduction to energy isolation concepts, before practicing more complex lockout tagout scenarios on one of our Hands On Training (HOT) Units from Polaris.

Fill out our form to get a comprehensive look at our LOTO EXP literature. 

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